
Christopher & Jimmy!

A few Friday’s ago I met Christopher & Jimmy over in Volunteer Park for a portrait session and we had SO much fun!! I can’t believe how fast the hour flew by! We were running, jumping and of course dancing all over the park. My favorite way to spend a Friday morning! Christopher and I know each other from BNI and of course the wedding world – he is also known as Christopher Flowers, an amazing floral artist! (Check out his website by clicking HERE.

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  • WendiJuly 12, 2008 - 6:38 pm

    Those were some of the sweetest pictures ever! I loved them.ReplyCancel

  • Laurel McConnellJuly 12, 2008 - 6:43 pm

    So so tender, what awesome images for them to have! Good job photo-queen! I get to have the pleasure of working with Christopher in August, can’t wait to meet him!ReplyCancel

  • Jenny JJuly 24, 2008 - 10:26 pm

    these are adorable, Barbie. i love their matching beards!ReplyCancel

Barbie Hull Photography

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