
The love of photography

When meeting new people, they often ask, “Why did you get into photography?” – and I have to say, “Because I love it!” As my business grows (thanks to you!) I get busier and busier – working on the computer, editing, re-touching, running errands – things that business owners do. (or eventually have people to do it – right?) All this busy work can easily make you forget the reason you started doing whatever it is that you do – Put the brakes on!! Stop!! This is how you get burned out – you always have to grow and change with the times but don’t forget why you do what you do. You work hard to enjoy life – so don’t forget to have some fun. It all passes by too quickly.

SO a good friend & fabulous photographer Eliza Truitt is always an inspiration. – She has a love for great tote bags and has started a blog about it, see HERE and of course she has a love for photography and is always working on new fun projects, I just love her traditional style with a modern twist that is so uniquely her. Recently E and I were working on a wedding and decided that we would add a new project into our “jobs” to give ourselves an assignment at each shoot, while we have a break or there isn’t anything exciting happening for us to be “working” on – we would take a look around and photograph what we see. I love it. It is like a breath of fresh air.

Here come the photos! At a recent shoot up in Volunteer Park – while my subject was running to the car, I took a few moments to look around and this is what I saw.




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Barbie Hull Photography

Serving Seattle & Worldwide