Girl Power Hour is an event you hear me talk about often, this past Thursday was the latest event and it was one to…
Read More...Twenty amazing years ago, Lisa saw a cute boy at a party - to get his attention she told him a bad joke and he…
Read More...Brides Against Breast Cancer is an amazing organization - they collect gowns that are new & lightly used from…
Read More...Have you ever gone to a bar and didn't know what to order so you either panic (like me) and order whatever the other…
Read More...Thanks to Monir Zandghoreishi this past Friday night (February 13th) was the night of Project Red Dress - it was…
Read More...On our beautiful -13 degree new years day in Anchorage we headed over to the Zipkin's house to photograph Gary,…
Read More...Tuesday was an exciting day - in my mailbox was the latest edition of Seattle Metropolitan Magazine, a nice little note…
Read More...On November 1st Excel Coatings rallied up about 20 volunteers to paint the YWCA Seattle. Headed up by Excel's owner…
Read More...Girl Power Hour had their final event for the 2008 year and it was a great one. It reminded me of the very first…