
Whitney Keyes :: Book Launch Party!

We are SO proud of Miss Whitney Keyes!!  She is a wonderful person, an amazing (beautiful, talented & giving) friend and now we can officially add PUBLISHED AUTHOR to her title!!!  Propel – Five ways to amp up your marketing and accelerate business

Whitney Keyes, Propel, Book Launch, Marketing, Author, 2012, Barbie Hull Photography

Last week she and her hundred or so closest friends gathered at Balmar in Ballard to celebrate her first published book – Propel!  It hit the bookshelves last week, you can get your copy from Amazon by clicking HERE.  Or by checking out one of her local Seattle speaking engagements (she is an amazing speaker!!) HERE is a link to her latest speaking schedule.

2012, Whitney Keyes, Propel,

Whitney Keyes,

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    Barbie Hull Photography

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