ooooh! I love babies!! These cute twins have grown SO much in the last two years… the time goes by SO fast too! HERE are some photos from last year at this time, and even cuter and smaller HERE are photos TWO years ago about this time of year. Love these girls!!
A few weeks ago we all met at their favorite Auntie Brooke & Uncle Jake’s house to play in the freshly cut grass – we had SO much fun… .blowing bubbles, eating apples, wearing pig-tails and being cute as ever!!
The girls practiced their “pretty” smile for days before our photo shoot – it was a BIG hit!!
After our cute ponytail filled shoot, we walked down the tracks to visit Gruff & the rest of the Fay family – what a great day!!
These are totally adorable. Love the location too. What a fun job you have!
So how many days did Brooke have to practice her “pretty” smile?
So cute!
FUNNY! Brooke was practicing for WEEKS!!!