Holy COW! We have only 20 days until Get Hitched Give Hope!!!!!!!!! (THE best way to plan your wedding!!) I’m SO excited and there have been SO many huge things happening – we have been written about in a bazillion blogs!! If you don’t believe me you should google us!! Or visit our facebook page and see all of the fabulous links. =)
The BIGGEST and most exciting update is Movin 92.5 is a now a GHGH sponsor!! You will hear about us ON AIR – they will be giving away tickets AND Brooke & Monti from the Ladies Room (6-10am) will be the Emcees for our event!!! WHOOHOO!!
Too exciting!! Do you have your new shoes yet?? =)
If you know of anyone who is interested in donating to the swag bag have them email me – hello@gethitchedgivehope.com
Be a giver ~ you know you wanna!!